12 March, 2013

Date :19-10-2009 
Lecture : 19
Dhaka Commerce College.

Letter of adjustment

Dhaka Textile Mill Ltd.
Mirpur,Dhaka -1216
Telephone :02-8153252,8193295
email: Dhaka 5@yahoo.com

Mr. Rohul Amin,
Purchase Manager
Mirpur cloth store

Ref:Reply to your letter October 10,2009

Date:October 19,2009

Dear Mr Amin,

Thank you for your letter of October 10,2009.The report that we have received today shows they   
consignment forward to you was the wrong on,full of defective cloths.It was a mistake of our dispatch section  and we re great this mistakes which has caused you inconvenience.We have already send the replacement by train.

We again regret the inconvenience and assure you that such mistake will be avoided in future. We expect your co-operation in future.

Sincerely Yours,
(Md.Fuzail Ahmed)
Sales Manager
Dhaka Textile Mill Ltd.


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