13 March, 2013

Date :20-10-2009 
Lecture : 20
Dhaka Commerce College.

Circular Letter
Circular Letter

A letter that circulates the same message is known as circular letter.In broad sense,a letter used to convey any individual organizational or social message,which is commercial or non-commercial in nature,to large number of people is known as circular letter.

"The letter that is written for a large number of readers to convey a message is called circular letter."
                                                                                                                                        > W.J.Weston.

"A businessman has to communicate some message to a large number of customers and suppliers is called circular letter."
                                                                                                                          > Rajendra Pal & Other.

Special feature:

1. Circlet any message to a large number of people at a time.
2.It is one of the cost effective method of circulating information.
3.It may used it is business,in social,political and personal metter
4. Writing circular letter is purely and art.

Finally,we conclude that a letter used to convey any individual,organizational,social message etc.Which is commercial or non-commercial,to large number of people is known as circular letter.


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