14 April, 2014

Ad Network:

A company that sells advertising to many individual clients.It is designed to let advertisers reach broad audiences relatively easily by buying online ads that are shown across a variety of website.Ad networks use ad server software to generate traffic reports for advertisers and publishers and to collect data about users.

Banner Ad:

A banner ad is a form of online advertising.It entails embedding an advertisement onto a webpage.Banner ads come in different shapes and sizes,but all are meant to increase brand awareness or drive traffic to a specific website.


A personal website or webpage on which an individual records opinions,links to other sites etc on a regular basis.

Bounce Rate:

Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.


The set of expectations,memories,stories and relationships that,taken together account for a consumer's decision to choose one product or service over another.

Business To Business(B2B):

The exchange of products,services or information between businesses.

Business To Consumer(B2C):

A transaction that occurs between a company and a consumer ,as opposed to a transaction between companies.


In advertising a campaign refers to a series of advertisements displayed over a set period of time to achieve specific goals.

Cost Per Mille(CPM):

(Cost / Impressions) x1000.CPM is useful in comparing the relative efficiency of different advertising opportunities and in evaluating the costs of overall campaigns.


When a website visitor " converts " into a user/customer.They could do this by signing up for a newsletter or making an online purchase.

Cost Per Acquisition(CPA):

The total amount spent on advertising divided by the number of people who click the ad and then make a conversion on your website.CPA lets you know exactly how much it costs to gain one new customer with your ad campaign.

Cost Per Click(CPC):

An internet advertising model in which advertisers pay only when their ad is clicked.

Direct Response:

A type of marketing designed to generate an immediate response 


Book Published in digital form.


A website or ad's ability to hold a visitor's attention or induce the visitor to participate.


A word or phrase prefixed with "#" .Short messages on microblogging or social networking services such as Twitter or Instagram may be tagged by putting "#" before key words.


An impression is counted each time a person views a website that is displaying your ad.A new impression is counted every time the page is reloaded with the ad.


An individual or company's importance measured online

Marketing Automation:

Software platforms designed for marketing departments and organizations to automate repetitive tasks.This refers to a broad range of automation and analytic tools for marketing.


Words relevant to your product or service that can help your ad show up on relevant websites.

Landing Page:

Webpage that an online links to.


The posting of very short entries or updates on a blog or social networking site.

Paid Marketing:

Using money to reach a wider audience than normal.This can be done with Google,Local ad networks like G&R,or through direct buys on sites like facebook.

Return on Investment(ROI):

A measure of the profit derived from advertising divided by the total advertising cost.

Searc Engine Optimization(SEO):

The process of improving a website's natural ranking in search results.The higher your website's SEO,the more often it will show up when people search for something related.

Social Media:

Websites and applications used for networking online 


Traffic refers to the number of people who visit a site in a given time period.

User Generated Content(UGC):

Words and photos that unpaid contributors create and provide to publications,particularly websites.


An image,video,advertisement etc that is circulated rapidly on the internet.


A program that performs some simple function,such as providing a weather report or some stock quote.Could also be an element of a website,such as a text box or button,that displays information or settings that can be entered or altered by the user.


A website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users.


An informational document issued by a company to promote or highlight the features of a solution,product or service.

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