07 March, 2013

Date :13-10-2009 
Lecture : 17
Dhaka Commerce College.

Complaint letter should be drafted in a clear statement with pol id tone the following factor should be consider.  

Factor to be considered drafting complaint letter
Factors drafting complaint letter

1.Specific cause of complaint:The customer should mention the specific cause of complaint.This will help the seller to understand in fault.

2. Nature of loss: Complaint letter must specify the nature and extend of damage.

3.Amount of loss: Actual amount of loss should be mansion.   

4.Possible remedy: Buyer should clearly indicate the possible remedy's for  setting the complaint.

5.Polite language: Language of complaint letter should be simple,easy,polite and friendly.

6.Documentary proof: Without necessary documents the letters may have no value to the seller.

7.Art of presentation: Complaint should be made artfully.

8. Mentioning preventive measures for future: The buyer can suggest the seller some alternative courts of action.

9.Conciseness: Complaint letter should not be too large.It must be in brief but completed.

10.Date: The date of arrival of goods should be mentioned clearly.

11.Expressing sorry: There was actually no intention to claim but circumstances have called for stating the claim.


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