29 September, 2012

1) Cheap method: Cheap method is setting the advancement modest at the level of controlling thinks the company can afford.

2) Percentage-of-sales system: Percentage-of-sales way is setting the advertising budget at a definite ratio of current or for casted sales or as a percentage of the item sales.

3) Inexpensive par method: Good par method is setting the promotion budget to match opponent's sums.

4) Neutral and commission method: Impartial and task method is Cleve loping the advancement budget by major specific objectives, limit the responsibilities that must be made to achieve the objective, estimating the costs of acting these tasks. The figure of these costs is the offered promotion low-priced.

5) Illogical method: The illogical approach is a method of limit the promoting budget in which a high level executive personally stipulates how much spirit be finished on promoting on a certain historical.


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