14 January, 2013

Date :20-07-2009 
Lecture : 7
Dhaka Commerce College.

1.Identifying Information: Identifying information includes name,address,contect,phone number and email address of the applicant.

2.Carrer Objective: A modern resume in includes a statement of present and future carrer objective of the applicant.

3.Acadamic Qualification: This section of resume includes a list of degree achived with name of the institution,year of training the dregree etc.

4.Personal Information: Personal information includes applicants age,nationality,marital status,hobbey etc.

5.Work Experience: A list of employment and description of work experience are included chorological order.

6.Extra Curriculam Activities: This section of resume includes perticipation in different workshops,seminar,training programms etc.

7.Sepecial Training: This section includes special training which are relevent to the specefic job.

8.Managarial Skill: This section of a resume includes managarial capability of the applicant.

9.Reference: Most resume's mention references from whom the employer can seek information about the applicant.The name position compleat address and telephone number of the reference must be mention.


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