15 January, 2013

Date :27-07-2009 
Lecture : 9
Dhaka Commerce College.

Dunning letters process some distinct feature that differenciate from other business letters. Some of the features of collection letters are given below:

1.Parties involved: Byer to byes one cried and seller are involved in dunning  letter. Seller writes this letter to the byer for payment or dues.

2.Series of letters: Dunning letters are written in a series the series includes reminder letter,urgency letter and warning letter.

3.Objective: The objective of dunning letter to realized the dues from the customers.

4.Reaferring the previous letter: When dunning letters are written in a series every sub sequent letter mention the references of earlier letter.

5.Warn for legal action: The last letter of collection letter serices warns the customer that the matter has been handel over law year for taking necessary legal action.

6.Lenguage: Dunning letter is written by using friendly but straight for word language.

7.Positive tone: Dunning letter should be positive with optimistic approch.

8.Planned structure: Dunning letter should have planned structured to make the bast possiable effor to retain the customers.

9.Style: Make the dunning letters shorter but not too brief.

10.Reference: Mention the sellers account number the amount and post paid invelope in each communications.


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